NW Living Group – Gratitude Project

Posted By John / Client Focus / No Comments

Remember the last time you received a hand written thank you from someone you hired? Is that still a thing? Remember how it made you feel to get something in the mail that wasn’t a bill or junk?  Seriously though, what happened to the art of hand writing a thank you card?

I personally love receiving thank you cards and sadly, no, I don’t write as many as I think I should. I blame all the modern conveniences of email, text messaging, and social media chat communications – and not because we don’t say thank you any more, because we do.  It’s just that the act of taking time to hand write a thank you has slipped into the past, and while a hand written card had more warmth and meaningful thought attached, it took more time and care to make it happen. And sometimes we simply don’t get around to writing anymore except around birthdays and holidays – if that.

Something I’ve taken to heart these days, is that I always take a moment when I receive a thank you card to remember the great experience I had with that person. This was someone who helped bring their expertise and time and care to help me get something accomplished that I needed. Of course they were doing this professionally, but there was always a feeling that they were there because they wanted to help and they wanted the best for me.  I always appreciate the extra thoughtfulness, and I appreciate what it took for that person to take out a pen and a card and send me a personal thank you.

I will say again that while I don’t write nearly as many thank you cards as I think I should, at NW Living Group | eXp Realty we’ve made a commitment with our team to nurture the art of writing thank you’s and letting our clients and peers know how much we appreciate them and are grateful.  Our clients are a great example of people who we get to know and who rely on us to be positive and helpful always. From the first time we meet to the time when they’ve either purchased a new home or sold one, we’re there every step of the way to help advise and ensure the entire process is managed professionally and with the utmost care and attention.

We formally send out thank you notes to our clients and as our team grows we’ve extended our client outreach to include them in what we call the Gratitude Project. It’s something unique and special that we believe in and let’s our clients know we enjoyed meeting and getting to know them, and that we look forward to the next time we can connect again in the future.  Cheers!

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